Frequently Asked Questions


The home of the Indonesia Alliance for Policy Research's open data. Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.

  • Data Standards

    Ark is committed to providing the highest-quality data in socio-economics, politics, humanitarian, historical and broader scope of Indonesia/n development in general that is currently available. All of the data provided on this catalog have been assessed with respect to several indicators of quality, including timeliness, accuracy, completeness, geographic coverage, innovation, and objectivity.

    In some cases, the best available data still have known shortcomings with respect to one or more of these indicators. In those cases, we provide a 'caution' explaining known issues or inaccuracies.

    Ark has an open data policy and commits to make our data, and that of our partners, open, discoverable, downloadable, and usable. We believe that open data enables the innovation, information sharing, analysis, and transparency required to support policies that better manage and sustain the country's development.

    Open Data Policy

    Ark has an open data policy, intended to provide information free of constraints and restrictions on use. All of the data we produce is shared using licensing which conforms to open data standards and made available for download whenever possible.

    For data sets not produced by the catalog, we provide links to download data from the original source when they are available.

    Data Sharing

    Permissions & licensing

    Except as noted below, all material on this site carries The MIT License (MIT), which permits unrestricted reuse of ARK content when proper attribution is provided. This means you are free to copy, display, and distribute ARK's work, or include our content in derivative works, under the following conditions: